A weekly podcast devoted to all things Hollywood. Hosted by Ryan, Rob and Chris.

Friday, September 24, 2010

We're Still Here...

Hello all... I haven't been neglecting this - nor have we been dormant, we've just been mobilizing.  Rob and I have spent the last month or two trying to lock up all the production elements for the show.  And recently he had a computer crash, a power supply literally melt and his sound board die.  But we should be up and running this weekend - and hopefully lock everything down.  Then, we just want to do one dry run (if it goes well we might post it) before we go live.

We'll have a new home base - http://www.35movieminutes.com/ - and this will serve as the ongoing blog for the site.  We'll be doing more opinion related entries here, reviews, etc...

We're also now on twitter @35movieminutes and Facebook www.facebook.com/35movieminutes

Our title design was just completed and looks great.  Come next week the designer will start work on the website, which should be live by the first show.

Thanks for being patient.